Welcome to Early Years
Class Teachers
Ms Methven
Mrs Negus
Teaching Assistants
Miss Mizon
Mrs Juniper
Home Learning: TBC
PE: Monday
Forest school: TBC
Children need their planner, reading book and PE kit in school
every day
Summer Term 2024
Week beginning 08 July 24
Sports Day
Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting the children at their Sports Day. They all had great fun and demonstrated great teamwork.
Well done Early Years!
Week beginning 08 July 24
DT afternoon
Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting the children during their DT (Design Technology) afternoon. They all had great fun designing and creating their own pasta jewellery!
Monkey and Me
Thank you to everyone for coming along to our Early Years assembly. The children were all amazing and did so well!
Week beginning 03 June 24
The children enjoyed their first Forest School session with Jude, where they shared the story 'Wild by Emily Hughes'. They created natural artwork and had a nice drink of elderflower juice at the end of the session.
Week beginning 13 May 24
In Maths, the children have been learning to solve doubling number sentences using the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract). The children were able to solve doubling number sentences independently and show their working out by drawing a pictorial representation or using manipulatives such as, multilink cubes, counters or numicon.
Week beginning 06 May 24
The children in Early Years have been using the 2 Simple Paint Program to create their own pieces of artwork. They have been learning how to navigate around a computer using a mouse and typing the letters in their name using a keyboard.
Week beginning 29 April 2024
The children in Early Years have been learning about the life cycle of a chicken. They went to see some chicks that had hatched. The children were very careful and gentle whilst handling the chicks.