Welcome to Year 1
Class Teacher
Mrs Kele
Teaching assistant
Miss Kerr
Homework is sent out on a Friday
PE: Monday
Year 1 enjoyed a science workshop delivered by STEMPOINT Primary workshops.
The activities were based around the circus and the children investigated all sorts of scientific skills to make things work, balance, spin to name just a few. It was great to see the children so engaged and asking questions, using scientific vocabulary.
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help.
In Year 1 this week we looked at ordering numbers to 10. The children chose a playing card. They then drew the spots on the ten frame to show what the number looked like. Finally, they ordered them from smallest to biggest.
In year 1 we have been learning about nouns. We learnt that nouns are names of people places and things. The children learnt that their names were proper nouns.