Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 6LB

01992 623 065

Andrews Lane Primary School

Welcome to Year 6


Mrs Clark

PE: Thursday

Yoga: Not this half term

Forest School: Not this half term

Swimming: Monday

Summer Term 2024

Week beginning 08 July 24

Year 6 were thrilled to have another opportunity to complete their second skateboard workshop this year. Suitably attired in protective wear, they spent an hour with their instructor mastering skateboarding skills and tricks. For some just maintaining balance was the major achievement of the afternoon! Always fantastic to see the collaborative learning and how they look after each other!

Some epic wins – some stylish fails – but lots of laughter, as this class make their final memories before they leave us next week.

Get the tissues ready, it will be emotional!

Week beginning 17 June 24

Forest Schools

Year 6 are enjoying their Forest School Sessions every week and thankfully the weather is cooperating a little more too. This week the children had a range of activities to choose from including: whittling, with the safe use of tools, zip line and making candles. The return of everyone’s favourite – making s’mores around the firepit was also a welcome return.

Week beginning 10 June 24

Working with Parents

In Year 6’s working with parents’ session, we had a very busy and productive craft session – working together to create the masterpieces that will help form the backdrop for our upcoming production of Matilda. The children are very excited about this show and as we begin rehearsals, we can confidently say already, that you will be in for a treat!

Week beginning 03 June 24


In preparation for our end of year production, Year 6 this week have begun dance lessons! We are extremely fortunate to have some expert tutelage from Lily at Saracens. Every week we will be learning a new dance. These sessions are tremendous fun but exhausting! We were so impressed with the level of talent in our class and delighted to see the children enjoying it so much.


Week beginning 20 May 24

Year 6 Parliament Trip

We visited the Palace of Westminster to complement our history topic ‘The Changing Role of Women’ in which the children have learnt about the campaign for voting equality (led by the suffragettes) and also our PSHE topic ‘Rights and Respect’ in which we have looked at democracy in the UK and how parliament works.

Our London visit began with slightly damp walking tour of some of the famous landmarks beginning at Trafalgar Square, with a picnic in St James Park before we made our way to Parliament Square and the palace itself. It was so nice to see the children’s excitement when they found something that linked to their learning – such as the Millicent Fawcett statue in Parliament Square.

The tour of parliament was amazing, great tour guides and we even got to sit in the House of Commons and the House of Lords to observe our MP’s, Lords and Baronesses at work. The day finished with a workshop – the class were divided into two political parties, leaders were nominated as well as a Speaker of the House (order!). The children chose to debate a ban on smoking and vaping – the ayes had a convincing win to ban it!

The trip home was long but overall an amazing day, the children were an absolute credit to school. A big thank you to all the staff who came with us and helped organise a truly memorable day.

Week beginning 13 May 24

SATs WEEK 2024 – it’s all about the food!

Year 6 enjoyed a social breakfast together before school this week in preparation for the SATs and we finished the week with ice cream sundaes to celebrate!

We are extremely proud of our Year 6’s for their resilience, determination and all the effort they have put into their learning this year. Every single child has made progress and no matter what the scores are, we truly could not ask for more or be prouder of them!

Well done guys!


Week beginning 06 May 24

Following an invitation from Jade Penny, our local PCSO, Year 6 entered a competition to design a poster that will be displayed outside school to raise awareness about the dangers of obstructive parking. She returned this week to announce the winners…

Congratulations to our Year 6 runner up, who will have her poster printed and displayed outside their school for all the community to see. They will have a ride in a police vehicle (with adult permission) and receive a treat.

Many congratulations to our Year 6 winner, who will have her posters created bigger and displayed outside their school for all the community to see. They will have a ride in a police vehicle (with adult permission). They have also been invited to the Jailbreak café in Hoddesdon, where they will meet the mayor and a police inspector who will present their certificate. We will then sit in the cells of the Jailbreak café, enjoying slushies and sweet treats, with their parents.

Week beginning 29 April 24

The Hobbit

Along with Years 2-5, Year 6 enjoyed a mesmerising performance of The Hobbit – performed by M&M Production company. The story was superbly acted with some fantastic costumes and dramatic special effects than had the audience gasping! After the performance, Year 6 were treated to a mini-workshop to learn more about the production process, including lights, sound effects and quick costume changes – very timely as we have our own production to look forward to this term.

Week beginning 22 April 24

Working with Parents

We welcomed mums, dads and grandparents into the classroom this week. Children and adults alike enjoyed a relaxing sketching session, producing some exquisite pictures of dolphins. It was easy to see where artistic ability has been inherited!

Week beginning 15 April 24


Year 6 have been completing their topic on ‘Light’ this week by looking at reflection and refraction. The children used water drops to observe the effects of refraction to enlarge tiny words in a piece of text.