Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 6LB

01992 623 065

Andrews Lane Primary School

Welcome to Year 2


Mrs Medall

PE: Monday & Tuesday

Yoga: Thursday

Forest School: Not this half term

Spring Term 2024

Week beginning 11 March 24

This week was British Science Week. The children made their own pendulum using a piece of wool and something heavy. They calculated how many times it swung in 30 seconds. Then then added a piece of card to see how it affected the amount of times it swung in 30 seconds. They adjusted the size of the card to test the difference.

Week beginning 04 March 24

This week, Year 2 enjoyed a scooter session. They practised balancing on both legs as well as doing different stunts such as bending low. They also learnt about wearing the correct safety equipment.

Week beginning 26 February 24

Welcome back after a much need break at half term. The children have been working hard and enjoyed some relaxation time in their Yoga session with Michael.